Monday, 22 April 2013


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lady bug
The quick brown fucks humps over the shady dug
The licked brown cock humps Topher the lady dog
The brick brown socks trunks over the crazy hog
The sick frowned hoax pumps Dover the Danish bog
Uh, chicken down ox bumps into the shaven frog
The stick town cops slump Grover the grainy hog
The slick frowned bitch creeps under my blood and bones
The blissful tits drip into my flooding boat
Full blown pocks galore in creepy cuckoo clock
The stillborn ducks junk over the ready blog
The frisk howls Molochs rumps the pastry plot
Fish stick clown rocks lumps stove her baby’s mug
Yer Mick down Jacques thumbs chauffeur the gravy flog
Apparatjik warlocks cups mower that stainy rug
A brimstone luck from the daily dawn